St. Leonard's Aston le Walls

This church takes its name from St Leonard of Noblac who was born around 466 and lived to be 99.   He lived a monastic life and became known as the Patron Saint of Prisoners and Women in Childbirth. 

It is believed that this church was built in 1240 and in 1259 the first Rector was recorded.  The Register of Baptisms and Burials goes back to 1540 and the Marriage Register to 1558.

The Piers, Nave, Font and Tower Arch are Norman and the Iron work on the Aumbrey Door in the Sanctuary is about 600 years old.  The Nave roof is 15th century.

Extensive restoration was carried out at the beginning of the 20th century including the rebuilding of the Tower.

The Church is now in need of a new programme of restoration to ensure future generations can worship in and enjoy the peace and tranquility of this ancient Church.

Our regular worship pattern features the service of BCP Matins (11.00am on the first Sunday of each month) and BCP Holy Communion (9.30am on the third Sunday of each month).  All are welcome, all the time.
Aston-le-Walls is part of the Fiveways Benefice and fourth and fifth Sundays are a time when we come together to worship, visiting each church in turn.

   St Leonard's Church Calendar

   St Leonard's Church pictures